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Day 1 Machame gate for permit (1790m) - Umbwe gate (1800m) - Umbwe Cave (3000m)

This is the first day of the program which starts at machame gate for permit then proceed with the climb from Umbwe Gate, where the path follows a ridge between two deep valleys up through the dense montane forest. It takes 6-7 hours equal to 6.7km -9.5km to reach Umbwe caves for camping. The camp is perched between huge trees and thick undergrowth. we carry from the gate all the water needed for drinking, food preparation and cleaning, since there are no drinking water at the camp site.

After breakfast we move from Umbwe Cave toward Barronco camp which may take up to 5 hours, 7.5 km, The path gets steeper on this section, as you get out of the forest along the Umbwe ridge the route descends slightly to the Barranco camp situated in the valley. In this camp you will meet with other trekkers from Machame route and Lemosho route. Therefore the population will be bigger.

Our day starts by downhill into the start of the Great Barranco, a huge ravine. We then exit steeply, up the Great Barranco Wall, which divides us from the southeastern slopes of Kibo. It’s a climb over rock, not technical but long and tiring. Passing underneath the Heim and Kersten glaciers, we head towards the Karanga valley. From here we have a steep climb up from Karanga valley to our night’s camp at Karanga camp, set at 3963m. For those feeling strong we will go for a mid-afternoon acclimatization trek up to around 4200m before descending back to camp for the night.

Our day starts by descending into the Great Barranco, a huge ravine. We then exit steeply, up the Great Barranco Wall, which divides us from the southeastern slopes of Kibo. It’s a climb over rock, not technical, but long and tiring. Passing underneath the Heim and Kersten glaciers, we head towards the Karanga valley, which is our last stop for fresh water before the summit. Scree now forms the terrain as we walk through arid and desolate land towards Barafu camp.

Today we take 4 to 5 hours to reach UHURU PEAK. We start off at around midnight, and walk steeply upwards to the summit glaciers. We will be climbing scree for but gain incredible height over a short distance. The views are spectacular. We should be on the crater rim at Stella Point (5739m) as the first rays of the sun hit us. Spectacular ice cliffs within the crater surround us and the views to jagged Mawenzi peak and beyond are breathtaking. Another hour’s walking takes us to the summit, Uhuru Peak (5895m). We begin our descent by returning to Stella Point and then downhill on scree slope and track back to Barafu Camp for breakfast, before finally heading down to Mweka Camp for a long well-earned rest.

A gentle trek takes us down through the rainforest to Mweka Gate, where we complete park formalities and receive certificates, which you can hang up with pride! We are then met by our vehicles and return to the hotel.